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【有声书 | 师父讲心理学】14、用心理学解析“习惯性的条件反应”(二)【中英双字】

发表于 2020-6-24 10:56:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






反应退缩会产生一种感知,那就是无需准备型,所以才会让一些人对事物的反应产生出无条件被刺激的准备。习惯性有条件反应犹如看一部电影《追捕》, 当你一看到片名,习惯性的反应这是杀人电影或犯罪电影。心理学家治疗的方法主要就是由习惯性的让你接受,产生正常的习惯性条件反应。医生通常会让患者服用一些镇静药,使身患重病的身体不要产生剧烈的刺激和敏感,不要让他感受到社会对他内心所产生非常的恶心感。对这些病人进行治疗的时候,不要强迫他去观看和接受一些他所不愿意接受的事物和人的刺激。如果你经常的让他去接受这方面的刺激,就会产生习惯性的条件反应。


The avoidance response can produce a kind of perception that does not need any preparation, so this will produce an unconditional response to the stimulation in some people. A conditioned response is seen when you watch the movie "Manhunt"; when you see the name of the movie, your conditioned response is to assume that this is a crime or thriller movie. Treatment by a psychologist helps you gain acceptance through habit and develop a normal conditioned response. A doctor will usually prescribe sedatives to their patients, so that the body of a patient who is seriously ill will not undergo strong stimulation and gain sensitivity, and this will prevent them from feeling the strong sense of disgust that they have toward society in their own inner world. When treating this kind of patient, a psychologist should not force them to perceive and accept things, or to receive provocation from others that they are not willing to accept. If you frequently get them to receive this kind of provocation and stimulation, they will develop a conditioned response.

This situation is seen in many broken marriages and families. As soon as a wife recalls the many disgusting things done by her husband, this will lead to the development of habitual responses, and these habitual responses will lead to feelings of disgust toward her husband. To treat the wife's psychological issues, the doctor's first step is to get her to accept mental training. This will soften the emphasis given to those habitual events to try to lower the intensity of her view towards a certain event and shift her concentration away so that she can let go of the conditioned stimuli that are affecting her view. Some examples include feeling disgusted when seeing a certain event, or immediately feeling fear after doing a certain action. The doctor should show her that the conditioned response is just a feeling in that moment. As I would argue that these feelings can be eliminated within 10 minutes, there is no need to cling onto these objects and events which provoke our mind and spirit. By doing so, we can better control these habitual responses.

卢军宏太平绅士,现任世界心理健康联盟董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒报业广播电视集团董事长,是澳大利亚高级心理辅导师,拥有澳洲心理学高级文凭,并荣誉担任意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教授、受聘著名国际佛教大学荣誉教授、英国西苏格兰大学佛学与哲学讲师,具有 25 年心理辅导经验,宣讲心理学与佛学理论至世界125个国家与地区,拥有一千万佛学与心理学的学习者与追随者。


Professor Richard Lu JP currently serves as the Chairman of Mental Health International, Australia Oriental Buddhist Charity Association and the Australia Oriental Media Group. He is a senior counsellor, holding an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (Australia). 

Professor Lu has also been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy; Honorary Professor by an international Buddhist university; and Lecturer in the area of Buddhism and Philosophy at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. With 25 years of experience in counselling, Professor Lu has given lectures in psychology and Buddhist theory in 125 countries and regions. 

Currently, there are 10 million people studying and following his psychological and Buddhist practices.

This book is a compilation of Professor Lu’s psychological research over the years. Professor Lu has abundant experience from many years of applying and practising psychology. His unique insight also provides positive and innovative solutions to mental health issues facing people today, adding lustre to the development of modern psychology.

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