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【有声书 | 师父讲心理学】3、用心理学方式克服焦虑不安【中英双字】

发表于 2020-4-20 15:44:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式







人都有一种混乱的欲望,这种欲望其实存在于你无意识的境界中,因为你不知道这些烦恼已经进入了你思维的深层意识,所以当你碰到一些外界对你的烦恼拥有刺激性的思维行动和深层欲望意识碰撞,你就会出现一种强烈的心理压抑的反弹,甚至这些反弹的作用可以在梦中出现,造成恶梦和抑郁,造成现实临床的表现是:口误、行为失误和精神异常等病理状态。这些在心理学上被 称为“Chaotic desires (混乱的欲望)。

对于一个经常不能控制自己欲望和感情的人来讲,实际上他已经犯了心理学上的焦虑不安症,这种症状很难短时间去除,一般延续一天到一个星期左右。 怎样来克服?在心理学上来讲,就要把 自己心中生出来的愤愤不平之气从一个人身上转移到另一个人身上——这就是为什么很多人生气之后跟别人争吵的原因。但这种方式会间接性的伤害到别人的正常的思维,也反射出另外一种不健康的负面思维,影响本人内心的安定,造成你更加的烦躁。虽然这样满足了你当时一种心理和思维上的烦躁欲望的宣泄,但是他的不理智的负能量往往取而代之的是间接的又伤害到自己。这是一种不太正常的思维转移法。

真正的用正能量来转移自己的不安情绪,需要将这些内心深层自己不能解脱的负能量心情加以控制,把自己的兴趣转移到平时特别能够让自己引起兴趣的某一种物质和人的思维上,这样才能平安的转移。这在心理学上称为 Displacement。

According to psychology, we need to learn to repress the memories and residual emotions that make us anxious. In fact, this is a form of protection that is outside of our self-consciousness, a method that prevents our minds from being disturbed by external circumstances. In my personal opinion, we need to actively forget our residual emotions, frustrations, and desires. This is called motivated forgetting, which can help you quickly relieve your mental stress and inhibit the fluctuation of your emotions.

Humans tend to have a kind of chaotic desire. This kind of desire is actually stored in your unconscious mind. Since you do not know that these afflictions have entered the deep layers of your mind, you will experience a strong bout of repression when you encounter external stimulants that trigger your worries or that clash with the desires in your deeper consciousness. These bouts of repression can appear in your dreams, causing nightmares and depression. The clinical expression of this includes slips of the tongue, errors in behaviours, or psychopathological symptoms. In psychology, these are called "chaotic desires".

A person who often cannot control their desires and emotions likely has anxiety, which is difficult for them to recover from within a short period of time. It usually persists for a day to roughly a week. So how to overcome it? According to psychology, anxiety can be resolved by displacement of anger from one person to another. This is why there are so many people getting into arguments with others when they get angry.

However, this will indirectly hurt another person's normal thinking and reflects another kind of unhealthy and negative thinking, therefore affecting your calm state of mind, causing you to become even more anxious. Even though this can gratify the immediate wish of reducing your anxiety, your irrational and negative energy will indirectly harm you again. Hence, this is not a useful method of displacement.

The most effective and positive way to displace your disturbing emotions is to increase your control over your deep- seated negative emotions and shift your interest to the things or people that you are usually interested in. This is a safe form of 'displacement' in psychology.

卢军宏太平绅士,现任世界心理健康联盟董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒弘扬佛法慈善机构董事局主席、澳洲东方传媒报业广播电视集团董事长,是澳大利亚高级心理辅导师,拥有澳洲心理学高级文凭,并荣誉担任意大利锡耶纳大学荣誉客座教 授、受聘著名国际佛教大学荣誉教授、英国西苏格兰大学佛学与哲学讲师,具有 25 年心理辅导经验,宣讲心理学与佛学理论至世界125个国家与地区,拥有一千万佛学与心理学的学习者与追随者。


Professor Richard Lu JP currently serves as the Chairman of Mental Health International, Australia Oriental Buddhist Charity Association and the Australia Oriental Media Group. He is a senior counsellor, holding an Advanced Diploma in Counselling and Psychology (Australia). 

Professor Lu has also been appointed as an Honorary Visiting Professor by the prestigious University of Siena, Italy; Honorary Professor by an international Buddhist university; and Lecturer in the area of Buddhism and Philosophy at the University of the West of Scotland, UK. With 25 years of experience in counselling, Professor Lu has given lectures in psychology and Buddhist theory in 125 countries and regions. 

Currently, there are 10 million people studying and following his psychological and Buddhist practices.

This book is a compilation of Professor Lu’s psychological research over the years. Professor Lu has abundant experience from many years of applying and practising psychology. His unique insight also provides positive and innovative solutions to mental health issues facing people today, adding lustre to the development of modern psychology.

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