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Eng Audiovisual[天地游]v1.C6: Watching the Trial of an Offender Who Defamed Buddhis

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[Official Transcript]v1.C6: Watching the Trial of an Offender Who Defamed Buddhism, Broke Buddhist Precepts and Hindered Other People from Propagating Buddhism


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Glossary Study

剃度出家 be ordained as a monk

修为不到 cultivation is not up to the mark

出家法师 Buddhist cultivator

正法明如来 the Buddha of True Dharma Light

传承观音悲愿  preserve and sustain the Bodhisattva’s vow to spread her message of compassion

世间痴迷众生不具慧眼 you deluded mortals are blinded by ignorance

佛子 fellow Buddhists

慧命 the wisdom-life

观世音菩萨怜悯你们 Guan Yin Bodhisattva shows you mercy

守佛门戒律 observe the Buddhist precepts

表面是佛 use Buddhism as a front

辱佛 bring disgrace to Buddhism

敛财 embezzle money

五逆 the Five Great Misdeeds

四重罪 the Four Great Prohibitions 

念在你在世诵经做超度之功德 in light of your merits and virtues accumulated by reciting sutras and performing chanting rituals for the deceased

弘扬佛法 propagate Buddhism

罪业累累 be guilty of all kinds of evil

行善道 perform good deeds

嫖赌喝酒 whoring, gambling and drinking

心地善良,乐于助人  be kind-hearted and be willing to help others

无明犯罪 committed the crimes out of ignorance

莫造恶业 caution sb. against creating evil karma

佛法僧 the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha

讨情从轻发落 be allowed to plead for leniency

对观世音菩萨的大慈大悲油然起敬  call forth a heartfelt feeling of appreciation and reverence for Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s compassion

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Journey to Heaven & Hell


Excerpt from Master Lu’s Q&A (266), 20 November 2018

On 2 November 2018, after finishing my prayers at the Guan Yin Citta Centre, Guan Yin Bodhisattva communicated with me telepathically: “I have ordered a Dharma Protector to take you to the Underworld tonight. There are matters regarding Guan Yin Citta to be dealt with.”


While sleeping that night, I felt that I was lighter than usual in the dream, and that my soul was escorted by a Dharma Protector to the Hall of the King of Hell in the Underworld. After handing over a scroll to the King, I stood to the side. Two offenders were kneeling on the ground, whose bodies were so charred that I couldn’t tell their gender.

On that day, the King of Hell looked very solemn and stern. He glared and pointed at the offender on the left and said: “When alive, this offender was ordained as a monk. His cultivation was not up to the mark, as he was of poor character and knew nothing about Heaven and the Underworld. As the King of Hell, I have heard trials of humans in the Underworld for nearly a thousand years, yet I wouldn’t dare to claim that I have a complete grasp of the universe or matters concerning Heaven and the Underworld. You were only a monk practising for a mere few years, how much do you know about Heaven and the Underworld?”During my last visit to the Underworld, the King of Hell in charge of Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door’s matters in [Country X] was transferred from another Hell, and he has been responsible for enforcing law for many years.

The King continued: “As a Buddhist cultivator, it is ill- befitting of you to act so arrogantly. Guan Yin Citta Dharma Door is a Buddhist practice initiated by the Buddha of True Dharma Light - Guan Yin Bodhisattva. The Bodhisattva has assigned her disciple to the human world to save sentient beings who have affinities with her Dharma Door. Her disciple, Jun Hong Lu, has been preserving and sustaining the Bodhisattva’s vow to spread her message of compassion. Even if you deluded mortals are blinded by ignorance, you shouldn’t have undermined the Dharma Door and destroyed the wisdom-life of millions of fellow Buddhists. Guan Yin Bodhisattva shows you mercy, but you should be responsible for your own karma in Heaven and the Underworld. Though you have cultivated for years and carried out an in-depth study of Buddhist scriptures, the profoundness of Buddha-Dharma and its practices are not what you human beings can fathom.

“Forget it, I don’t wish to say anything more. Being a Buddhist monk, why didn’t you observe the Buddhist precepts? Using Buddhism as a front, what have you done behind people’s backs? You donned the robe of a Buddhist monk, but what you did brought disgrace to Buddhism. You unlawfully embezzled money donated by Buddhists. The precepts you violated not only fall within the Five Great Misdeeds (patricide, matricide, killing an Arhat, shedding the Buddha’s blood, and causing a schism in the monastic community), but also the Four Great Prohibitions (deeds of killing, stealing, sexual misconduct and lying). Upon your death, you were sent to the Hell of Burning Flame to experience the agony of being burnt every day. Those flames were created by the desires of your mind. In light of your merits and virtues accumulated by reciting sutras and performing chanting rituals for the deceased, you will be reborn in the Human Realm after your punishment is over.”


Next, the King of Hell pointed at the offender on the right, and reprimanded him. “When you were alive, you had a colleague who practised Guan Yin Citta. Your ignorance of Buddhist precepts was self-explanatory, but you also committed many deeds of verbal misconduct, and you hindered Guan Yin Citta practitioners from propagating Buddhism. Don’t you realise that you are guilty of all kinds of evil? You didn’t perform good deeds when you were alive. On top of that, you indulged in whoring, gambling and drinking. After you were killed in a car accident, you were sent to the Hell of Burning Flame. Because you were kind-hearted and were willing to help others, and because you committed the crimes out of ignorance, you will be permitted to be reborn in the Human Realm after serving your time. The scroll in my hand demonstrates that Guan Yin Bodhisattva has mercy. That’s why this Heavenly Child was assigned to deliver it to me, as it instructs me to show leniency towards both of you, and to allow this Heavenly Child to watch the trial so that she may share it with humans to caution them against creating evil karma. You are permitted to use this accrued merit to reduce your negative karma and be released from Hell sooner.”




Soon after, the King of Hell allowed me to return. I was enveloped in golden light which brought me back to the human world.

When I awoke, I was choked with emotions about the scenes I had witnessed. The Underworld is very strict with those who defame the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, unlike the more lenient way they deal with other offenders who are allowed to plead for leniency.

As a result of this incident, I can’t help but call forth a heartfelt feeling of appreciation and reverence for Guan Yin Bodhisattva’s compassion, which truly knows no bounds. I’m ashamed of myself for not cultivating well enough as I still fret over trivial matters of this human world.

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